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I hail from Tampa, Florida, but have called New York my home for the past 13 years. I am very fortunate to have parents who allowed me to cultivate my musical gifts since the age of seven.  I grew up learning to play the piano and quickly realized that I had a deep love of music.  By the age of ten, I was accompanying high school choirs, through which my love of collaborating with other singers and instrumentalists truly blossomed. 


I continued my studies at performing arts middle and high schools in Tampa where my introduction to the musical theater genre opened an entirely new set of doors. Outside of classical piano and choir music, I learned about musical theater and how to tell a story through music; I loved it even more.


Like most 18-year-olds in this business, I went to college but had no intention of being forced to choose just one major. I wanted to do it all, music and theatre. Why shouldn’t we shoot for the moon and stars? It was my mother, whom I now thank every day, who suggested that I include education as part of my studies.  Little did I know that her simple suggestion would change my life forever. 


I am so grateful for all my professors, but especially to Timothy Kennedy, my voice teacher throughout college and the first person who urged me to try music directing.  Tim has been and still is, one of the greatest mentors I’ve known and I’m proud to call him my colleague to this day. Once again, music direction opened up new territory for me to conquer and I immediately gravitated towards any show I could get my hands on.


After 5 years of college and two B.A. degrees to show for it, I took the advice of Mr. Kennedy and moved up to NYC. I have performed, music-directed shows and various camps and accompanied some of the finest Broadway stars. 


I have been fortunate enough to meet and work with esteemed voice teachers in the business and once I was given the opportunity to teach voice privately, I completely fell in love with it.  As a private voice teacher I feel the kind of satisfaction that I’d always believed might not be attainable. My passion and love of educating students has ensured that there has never been a day that teaching has felt like work for me.

I wear many different hats in my jobs, but in my spare time aside from that I enjoy spending time with my husband and our two daughters.

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